Sunday, June 24, 2012


So who is Spotify anyway???? -.-''''''''' OK!!!! So what is Spotify anyways??? Spotify is an AWESOME application you can download for FREE on your PC, laptop, phone, tablets ect. But what type of application???? ITS AN APPLICATION FOR MUSIC!!!!! Spotify allows you to listen to music. You can check out top on the charts, radio stations, or make your own playlists. I use it a lot and it works very well. I like it very much. You can even share music with others thanks to Facebook. I don't do that though cause its my moms account I use, and its her Facebook account that is used. And I anyways don't have a Facebook account. So please do try it out!!!

Here is the link to the Spotify website:
Here is the link to download Spotify:

Here is an image for how the app looks: