Monday, June 25, 2012

Economic Crisis

Comics About the Economic Crisis  


Google's Driverless Car

Google, the one and only, has again made another enormous leap to the future. Google has programmed a software on laptops that can drive a car!!! The software uses Google Street View with artificial intelligence software that combines input from video cameras inside the car, a LIDAR sensor on top of the vehicle, radar sensors on the front of the vehicle and a position sensor attached to one of the rear wheels that helps locate the car's position on the map. The sensor that is attached to the top of the car detects the cars surrounding including other vehicles, street signs, and traffic lights.  I learned about this on the TV show Brave World on the Science Channel. Interesting topic. Watch the show!!!!

A Toyota Prius with a LIDAR sensor on top
Google Street View

Here is the episode of Brave World I saw: 


       Here is a Wikipedia article on the car:         

Sunday, June 24, 2012


So who is Spotify anyway???? -.-''''''''' OK!!!! So what is Spotify anyways??? Spotify is an AWESOME application you can download for FREE on your PC, laptop, phone, tablets ect. But what type of application???? ITS AN APPLICATION FOR MUSIC!!!!! Spotify allows you to listen to music. You can check out top on the charts, radio stations, or make your own playlists. I use it a lot and it works very well. I like it very much. You can even share music with others thanks to Facebook. I don't do that though cause its my moms account I use, and its her Facebook account that is used. And I anyways don't have a Facebook account. So please do try it out!!!

Here is the link to the Spotify website:
Here is the link to download Spotify:

Here is an image for how the app looks:




There is this AWESOME and addicting game that requires nothing but a minimum of three players. Its called Mafia (no, its not a violent game). YES ITS FREE!!!!! I learned it a few years ago, and I never knew that I'd still love it considering my fickle nature. All you need is a brain (just for creativity) and a minimum of 3 players (though "more the merrier" does apply to this game). I wish I can tell you how to play, but it takes FOREVER for me to explain the rules. But its a really simple game. Here is a wikipedia link to a whole lecture of the game (the rules are listed there to) : .
                   You can even make modifications to the game as well!!! Tip for people playing with three people: even the narrator MUST have another role. Yep!!! Thats all I have to say about this game. Its really fun and you must try it!!!! 

Lick Observatory on Mt. Hamilton

The first "outing" I had this summer was my trip to Lick Observatory on Mt. Hamilton. I went on June 16th to the quiet mountain top telescope. The trip is approximately 32 miles from Sunnyvale, about an hour and two minutes by car. Driving on the mountain is vigorous. You first drive on Quimby road that continues on top of the first hill you pass. The road is wide at first when you are passing the schools. But when getting on the actual hill, the road narrows and gets emptier. You then merge onto the actual Mt. Hamilton. You continue on Mt. Hamilton road till you reach the observatory. Radio signals on top are crystal clear as well as the noise in general  on top of the mountain. It is very hot on Mt. Hamilton.You need sunglasses to look at the Observatory, a round white building that looks like a door knob. Inside the observatory, you can look at pictures of the observatory, view a video about Mr. Lick, take a tour of the telescope, or check out the gift shop. During the summer, you can check out the starry night concerts where you can also take a good look through the telescope. Lick Observatory is free. SO GO THERE!!! ;) 

Lick Observatory

Lick Observatory was the world's first permanently occupied mountain-top observatory. The observatory, in a Classical Revival style structure, was constructed between 1876 and 1887, from a bequest from James Lick. In 1887 Lick's body was buried under the future site of the telescope, with a brass tablet bearing the inscription, "Here lies the body of James Lick".

The 36-inch (91 cm) refracting telescope on Mt. Hamilton was Earth's largest refracting telescope during the period from when it saw first light on January 3, 1888, until the construction of Yerkes in 1897. Warner & Swasey designed and built the telescope, with the 36-inch lens done by Alvan Clark & Sons.

In May 1888, the observatory was turned over to the Regents of the University of California.