Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Homemade Stylus that works on tablets and touch screen phones!!!

         I love to play on my ipod touch during free time. I love drawing. But I hate drawing on my ipod toutch. There is this fun application for Apple devices called draw something which I love to play with my friend. We both are supposed to pick out of three things to draw and send it to one another so that we can guess. But the problem is, you don't have much control when drawing with your fingers so the pictures turn out messy. One thing that you can use to help drawing easier would be a stylus. But styluses that are manufactured are expensive.
         So I decided to look up online some instructions to make a simple stylus. I finally came a across one website (link at bottom of post) that showed me how to make my own stylus. All you need is a cotton swab, a cup of water, and tin foil. Heres how to make it:
       1.) Cut out a strip of tin foil (enough to wrap around the cotton 
                         swab, but not on top of the cotton)

       2.) Wrap the foil around the cotton swab (make sure the foil         
                         touches  the cotton but doesn't cover up the cotton)

       3.) Dip the cotton completely in water.

       4.) Enjoy your stylus!!! :) ^.^

                 Here is the link: 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

2nd Star Party on Vista Hill

               On Saturday June 23rd I attended my first star party. On Saturday July 21st I attended my second star party. This one went a lot differently then I expected it to be. For one thing, two of my friends also came along so I had more company. But the drive to Foothill Park on Vista Hill had not gone as we expected. We left home at 7:30p.m. The Star Party would start at 8 o clock and the park entrance would close at 8:30. We took the same 280 North highway. But the GPS made us take a different exit from the one we took last time. So we came to a hill the we had to drive up. We soon ended up at a three way fork in the road at 7:45. We took one of the forks that went high up the hill. The GPS kept  telling us to go up the hill till it finally found our destination at 8:00. However, there was no entrance into the park. So we decided to keep going up. We finally reached the top at 8:25 finding no entrance into the park. We were thinking that perhaps we missed it. So we went down for a bit till we reached the place where the GPS said the destination was. But we still didn't find the entrance. So we decided to call up my friend (at 8:30) who had already reached the park. They were about to give us the the address to the place when the phone got cut of. So we decided to keep going down till we reach the highway and take the exit we took last time. When we came back to the fork we realized that we took the wrong fork.   So we took one heading a bit downwards. We finally reached the park entrance at 8:45. We were able to enter the park from a different entrance.

               Soon we found a parking space and had diner with my friends. Then my friends and I went up to see the telescopes. We first went to two telescopes that showed us Saturn. Then we went to some others in the back. There were two young cousins that had memorized the star chart and knew where many stars, planets, and constellations were.  They showed us Vega, M28, Saturn, and some other cool stars. Then we met another man that showed us nebulas, more m things, the sky cross which is a constellation shaped like a cross, and some other constellations.He also showed us the stars of the great dipper. When he was explaining how stars were born we saw a shooting star. It was my first one cause I allways miss them. This one was very bright and made a sound. Then we went back to the cars and started naming some constillations. Some included two story apartment, cheese, shopping cart, and toyota Prius. We finally went back home with happy memories and were glad that we found our way to the Star Party. 
A Sunset from Vista Hill. 


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Star Party on VIsta Hill, Palo Alto

On Saturday June 23rd, I attended my first Star Party. But for me, used to the elaborate kind of party, this felt more like a hike then a party. You were allowed to eat diner you made at home there. There were no party games, food, or presents. But the party was overflowing with different types of telescopes. Why??? Well its a Star Party. At these festives that occur every 2 weeks (AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONS) , members of the Peninsula Astronomical Society gather with their telescopes to do some star gazing! There are many refracting and reflecting telescopes available to look through. That night, which was pretty cloudy, we saw  a 17% waxing crescent moon. We were able to see one of the moons newest white craters. I forgot its name, but I know that it starts with an 'a'. I also got to see Saturn a few of its 82 moons!!!!!! It was so bright through the telescope. I also got to see a few stars such as Vega.

              One man showed us how to operate a telescope. He showed us how to set the telescope with a meter to a position that could automatically show us  a celestrial body. The man also showed us how to take pictures through a telescope. The trick to get a clear shot of something is to capture as much light as you can. Then on your camera, you can zoom in on a object to see it better.
Dusk sky on Vista Hill 

            After two hours of star gazing we went home. I can't wait till the next star party!!!! Who knows what else I might see.!!!! ^.^ 


Telescope for viewing the moon.


Monday, June 25, 2012

Economic Crisis

Comics About the Economic Crisis  


Google's Driverless Car

Google, the one and only, has again made another enormous leap to the future. Google has programmed a software on laptops that can drive a car!!! The software uses Google Street View with artificial intelligence software that combines input from video cameras inside the car, a LIDAR sensor on top of the vehicle, radar sensors on the front of the vehicle and a position sensor attached to one of the rear wheels that helps locate the car's position on the map. The sensor that is attached to the top of the car detects the cars surrounding including other vehicles, street signs, and traffic lights.  I learned about this on the TV show Brave World on the Science Channel. Interesting topic. Watch the show!!!!

A Toyota Prius with a LIDAR sensor on top
Google Street View

Here is the episode of Brave World I saw: 


       Here is a Wikipedia article on the car:         

Sunday, June 24, 2012


So who is Spotify anyway???? -.-''''''''' OK!!!! So what is Spotify anyways??? Spotify is an AWESOME application you can download for FREE on your PC, laptop, phone, tablets ect. But what type of application???? ITS AN APPLICATION FOR MUSIC!!!!! Spotify allows you to listen to music. You can check out top on the charts, radio stations, or make your own playlists. I use it a lot and it works very well. I like it very much. You can even share music with others thanks to Facebook. I don't do that though cause its my moms account I use, and its her Facebook account that is used. And I anyways don't have a Facebook account. So please do try it out!!!

Here is the link to the Spotify website:
Here is the link to download Spotify:

Here is an image for how the app looks:

