Thursday, July 5, 2012

Star Party on VIsta Hill, Palo Alto

On Saturday June 23rd, I attended my first Star Party. But for me, used to the elaborate kind of party, this felt more like a hike then a party. You were allowed to eat diner you made at home there. There were no party games, food, or presents. But the party was overflowing with different types of telescopes. Why??? Well its a Star Party. At these festives that occur every 2 weeks (AT DIFFERENT LOCATIONS) , members of the Peninsula Astronomical Society gather with their telescopes to do some star gazing! There are many refracting and reflecting telescopes available to look through. That night, which was pretty cloudy, we saw  a 17% waxing crescent moon. We were able to see one of the moons newest white craters. I forgot its name, but I know that it starts with an 'a'. I also got to see Saturn a few of its 82 moons!!!!!! It was so bright through the telescope. I also got to see a few stars such as Vega.

              One man showed us how to operate a telescope. He showed us how to set the telescope with a meter to a position that could automatically show us  a celestrial body. The man also showed us how to take pictures through a telescope. The trick to get a clear shot of something is to capture as much light as you can. Then on your camera, you can zoom in on a object to see it better.
Dusk sky on Vista Hill 

            After two hours of star gazing we went home. I can't wait till the next star party!!!! Who knows what else I might see.!!!! ^.^ 


Telescope for viewing the moon.